Minister and Board of Directors

Minister: REV. Claudia orr

Rev Claudia Orr had been the minister at the Gateway since 2008. She has been a Spiritualist for many years and was first ordained in the United States in 2007 and received her Canadian ordination from the Spiritualist Church of Canada (SCC) in 2011. Claudia previously sat for three years as Western Liaison for the SCC.

Claudia is a Spiritual Healer and teaches the church healing classes at the Gateway, she is also a Reiki Master Healer/Teacher, a Certified Reflexologist and a Crystal Bowl Sound Healer.

Rev Claudia is available for weddings, memorials, child naming services, as well as other ceremonies.

president: Marrieta cruz

I have been volunteering at the Gateway Centre for over 10 years.   When Rev. Karen Voegelie suddenly passed into Spirit in 2008, several members (including myself, Anna Prytula and Rev. Claudia) were instrumental in getting the Gateway Centre back on its feet.   I was Board Director from 2009-2013.   In June 2018, I was asked by Spirit to "run the place".   I intend to do that, mindful of Lilian Brownfoot's request that I take good care of her church.   Her words, not mine.   I hope to be of service to you all and hope to do right by Lilian and Strongheart, her control.

vice president: Vacant


Alex has been a widower since 2017 after 36 years of marriage.  He became an active member of the Gateway Spiritualist Church in 2019 when Joanne, the love of his life, asked him to come listen to her while she spoke on platform at the Gateway.  He was immediately “hooked” by the lack of “Dogma” so prevalent in mainstream religions. He also noted how open and genuine the church members he met that night accepted him as one of their own!  He immediately realized he had found a movement that both touched his heart and made perfect sense!

Alex has 3 adult “children” who, along with Joanne, mean the world to him!  He recently retired from being a Building Operator with previous careers in Electronics and Plumbing.  His “off-the-wall” sense of humor has served him well by making difficult situations and people easier to deal with.  He loves people (especially watching them!), camping, playing softball with his “kids”, fixing / tinkering with things (even if I didn’t break them in the first place!) and life in general.  Sometimes he bites off more than he can chew, but knows the only way to eat an elephant is “one bite at a time”.

administrator: Donna Granat


My first contact with the Gateway was an All Mediums evening. After that a friend of mine told me about their meditation circles, namely Claudia Orr's 'Sitting in the Power' beginner's circle. This was 2018, a point in my life where I was asking myself the big questions, that there had to be more than what I was currently doing, or not doing, in my life.  Practicing spirituality was exactly what I needed. I remain to this day, in that same circle, only now I guide the meditation! I took my Reiki Levels I & II with Claudia Orr and continue to develop my mediumship skills. I am lucky to have been raised by a mother who believed in all of the spiritual and mediumship practices The Gateway teaches and offers, so it was normal for me when i discovered I could do mediumship (albeit still totally an amateur!)! Finding the Gateway for me is finding my people! I now serve as the Secretary of the Board, a role totally unlike anything I have ever done! It is a privilege to assist the Board and to have The Gateway in my life.

DIRECTOR: Joanne Rogers

If you have any questions for the Board of Directors, are interested in joining the Board, or wish to send us a message, please visit our contact page.